Samimi Tekstil has started it’s activity in 1986 in the workshop, so many famous trade marks were produced as cut till 1995. The company was started to make it’s own production by showing effort and self-sacrifice so much without making a concession from it’s quality and the firm is reached todays. Samimi Tekstil is being continued it’s activity by trade marks called Railway, Atrix, Rampino, Carillo, Exelans ,Lintus,Zoula belong to the Company on condition that Cordial Jeans. Samimi Tekstil is consist of one factory and four shops, the company is manufactured towards to export completely. All of our products are produced under audits of our professional administrators by using technology growth in large care and fastidious from the clothes to accessories and the fashion of the day is followed up at close range. Because our mission is quality and trust connected to quality. Samimi Tekstil acts so sensitive about quality and termin and this company is gained honor with this sensitiveness. Our aim is to protect this line, to increase product diversity, to produce high in quality products, to reach to much more masses and to be opened for the world markets in serious
Prawa Autorskie Turkish 2014. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone.-2024.