In 1992, We peneratete to Turkish labeling market by production of textile labels and finally we established AY Etiket Ambalaj San. Ve Tic.Ltd.Şti. in 1998.
Since the first day we started to the business, we have tracked all trends and developed new solutions and finally in 2009, together with textile labeling, we have introduced the FLORALABELS and BRANDSOFT System to Nurseries, External and Internal Pot Plant Growers designed for individualized desing and print labels in their own place.
Of Floralabels and Brandsoft, as a the main and the one distrubiter in Turkey, the system allows growers, nurseries and retailers to prepare their own labels with all in info containe such as pictures, all information user desire to put in, customer or own logos.The labels are printed with very high resolution anda re everlasting under any environmental and climate conditions.Also the labels easyly can be designed by user and the system gives so many other options to the user as well.
We continue to strive on our innovative goals in 2011. We are more than happy to make globally known Bedford Industries ElastiTag® concept available in Turkish packaging market. |
Muotimallistot AY LABELS LTD.